In many practical applications of digital signal processing, quite often we come across the problem of changing the sampling rate of a signal by either increasing it or decreasing it to some extent. For example, in telecommunication practices that transmit and receive different types of signals, namely, teletype, facsimile, speech, video, etc., there is a requirement to process the various signals at different sampling rates commensurate with the corresponding bandwidths of the signal types.
The process of sampling a signal from a given rate to a different rate is called sampling rate conversion. Such sampling rate conversions are needed when systems with different signal frequencies and consequent different sampling rates are to be interconnected. Systems that employ multiple sampling rates in the processing of digital signals are called Multirate Digital Signal Processing Systems. In multirate systems the sampling frequency is changed during the signal processing. In most cases the sampling rates at the input and output ends differ rather markedly. In other cases the sampling rate is changed only internally while the input and output rates keep one and the same. This is done in order to improve the efficiency of the processing.
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These techniques are commonly used in narrow band lowpass, highpass, bandpass filters, and filter banks as well as the so-called transmultiplexers such as the converters between FDM and TDM terminals [1] - [10] . Multirate processing provides the method for changing the sampling rate, and forms the basis for implementing complex signal processing applications with reduced computational requirements. Multirate processing is defined as a signal processing implementation that uses more than one sampling rate to perform the desired digital system operations. The two basic operations performed are decimation and interpolation. Decimation results in sample rate decrease while interpolation provides a sample rate increase.
In this study, the voltage output integrated temperature sensor is selected for the health monitoring system terminal, and the hardware circuit is designed. The digital conversion of the output analog signal is realized through the displayer, as shown in Figure 5. 2ff7e9595c